- Javier Muñoz
- Lin Manuel Miranda
- John Turturro
- Lea DeLaria, Orange Is The New Black’s Big Boo Jan. 2015
- Dascha Polanco, Orange Is The New Black’s Dayanara Diaz
- Giants legend Lawrence Taylor
- Lea DeLaria, Orange Is The New Black’s Big Boo Sept 2014
- Jasmine Guy
- Mark Messier, six-time Stanley Cup champion
- Donnie Wahlberg
- NYS Governor Andrew M. Cuomo
- Aida Turturro from The Sopranos
- Dr. Oz
- Dan Hedaya, Nick Tortelli from Cheers
- Rafael Vargas aka FULANITO & Edwin Vargas
- Ron Darling
- Kevin Jonas & Moynihan
- Kevin Jonas
- Alicia Keys
- Hillary Clinton
- “Bob” McGrath From Sesame Street
- Joseito Mateo
- Jose Alberto “El Canario”
- Minimo Rosario
- Vampire Weekend
- Alan Houston
- Linus Roache
- Alana De La Garza
- Nick Ashford
- Wallace Shawn
- Jared Harris from Mad Men
- Kimberlin Brown
- Antwaan Randle El, Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver
- Nick Ashford
- Van Morrison
- John Quiñones, ABC News Correspondent
- Frederick Martinez “EL PACHA”
- Nick Jonas
- Toni Senecal from Toni On! New York
- Running w/ the Buffaloes – Authur Chris Lear
- John Quiñones, ABC News correspondent